Resource Review About YouName(Required) First Last Company Name(Required) Position(Required) Quality of ServiceHow would you rate the overall quality of service provided by our resource team?(Required)1 Far Below Expectations2 Below Expectations3 Meets Expectations4 Exceeds Expectations5 Significantly Exceeds ExpectationsHow satisfied are you with the quality of the labour supply service we provide?(Required)1 Highly Unsatisfactory2 Somewhat Unsatisfactory3 Satisfactory4 Very Satisfactory5 Strongly agreeHow do you perceive the value for money of our services?(Required)1 Extremely Poor Value2 Below Average Value3 Average Value4 Good Value5 Excellent ValueHow likely are you to recommend Training Lives to others?(Required)1 Very Unlikely2 Unlikely3 Neutral4 Likely5 Very LikelyHow responsive do you find our team in addressing issues?(Required)1 Not Responsive2 Slightly Responsive3 Moderately Responsive4 Responsive5 Very ResponsiveDo our team members exhibit a positive attitude, appropriate skills, and punctuality?(Required)1 Strongly disagree2 Disagree3 Neutral4 Agree5 Strongly agreeCompared to other suppliers, how do you rate Training Lives?(Required)1 Much Worse2 Worse3 About the Same4 Better5 Much BetterWould you consider re-engaging our services in the future?(Required)1 Definitely Not2 Probably Not3 Might or Might Not4 Probably Would5 Definitely WouldPlease provide any additional comments or feedback:Additional Services:Are you aware that we provide rail and construction training?YesNoAre you aware that we offer access planning services?YesNoAre you aware that we can manage and deliver small projects from start to finish?YesNo